Reeds Skipper's Handbook: For Sail and Power

The Reeds Skipper's Handbook is the essential pocket-sized reference to everything you need to know at sea, packed with a wide range of information in a concise and quick to read form. A useful aide-memoire for all sailors and powerboaters, it is also frequently recommended by instructors as a revision aid for anyone taking their Day Skipper and Yachtmaster certificates.

Now in its revised and updated 8th edition, it covers:

- Essential navigation skills, manual and electronic
- Tides, tidal streams and curves
- The rules of the road, and buoyage
- Safety and distress
- Communications
- Weather
- Anchoring and mooring
- Sails and wind
- Knots, bends and hitches
- Inland waterways/CEVNI

It also includes handy facts, figures, formulae and tables for instant reference, including an at-a-glance guide to International Port Traffic Signals.

Over 100,000 boaters worldwide have a copy of the invaluable Reeds Skipper's Handbook in their pocket, on the chart table or on their shelf at home. It is a must for anyone going to sea, whether skipper or crew.


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